Thursday, September 26, 2013

Day 7, September 26, 2013

Back to School Night is tonight! Tell your parents to come and see how much work you do in school!

Period 7: No class tomorrow. :-( More freefall math next Monday

Period 2: Flash Fysics Friday tomorrow!

Period 3: Newton's Laws Interactive tomorrow

Period 4: Newton's Laws Interactive tomorrow

Period 5: Complete freefall assignment from class on Wednesday; Flash Fysics Friday tomorrow!

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Day 6, September 25, 2013


We have missed a couple of blog posts due to technical difficulties, but we are back up!

Period 2: Complete the Speed problems which we began in class today.

Period 3: Read p. 28-34 in your texts (if you didn't last night!)

Period 4: Read p. 28-34 in your text (if you didn't have time after today's quiz!)

Period 5: Complete Practice F from class

Period 6: We have class first period tomorrow! Come ready and on time!

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Day 2, September 19, 2013

Hello Classes!

Period 2 (Rotating): Worked through practice E today; review of all of the equations (and graphing!) tomorrow. Quiz next week.

Period 3: Complete the Inertia Lab questions for homework (so for Monday, no class tomorrow)

Period 4: Completed the Acceleration equation worksheet in class (complete for homework if you did not hand it in). We will be measuring speed with the new ultra-long track in class.

Period 5: Quiz on Monday (equations will be given). We will review of all of the equations (and graphing!) tomorrow in class. Try to remain calm.

Have a great afternoon!
Mrs. R.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Day 1, September 18, 2013

Hi Classes!

Period 2: Completed the inertia lab in class (if you didn't complete the questions, please do so for homework). We will continue working through some of the history behind the laws of motion on Friday.

Period 3: Review in class of ch. 1. We will do more dimensional analysis (converting) practice in class tomorrow. Quiz is next Tuesday.

Period 4: Completed the inertia lab in class. If you did not complete the graph and questions, please do so for homework. Quiz will be postponed until next week.

Period 5: Completed Practice D. Quiz on Friday on using these equations to solve for displacement, velocity, acceleration, and time.

Period 7: No class today! Practice D was homework. Quiz on Friday on using these equations to solve for displacement, velocity, acceleration, and time.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Day 7, September 17, 2013

Period 7 (rotating): Read p. 54 and complete Practice D on page 55. We will go over this on Thursday and then continue to work through variations of the equations in class. Key is on my door if you get stuck.

Period 2: We will complete the car track lab tomorrow in class

Period 3: Complete the car track lab if you did not finish it in class. Quiz for ch. 1 is bumped out all the way to Tuesday! Yikes!

Period 4: Complete (1-5) on the Mass vs. Weight worksheet. Quiz on ch. 1 on Friday. We will work through more of Newton's laws tomorrow.

Period 5: Complete Practice C in chapter 2. Key is on my door.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Day 6, September 16, 2013

Period 2: Make Up work for anyone absent last Wednesday: Read p. 12-22 and complete the concept check questions at the end of each section . (There are only 5 questions.)

Period 3: No homework; Car/Track lab tomorrow; quiz on ch. 1 on Thursday.

Period 4: No homework; Quiz on ch. 1 on Friday

Period 5: We will continue the graph matching lab tomorrow for those who need to complete graphs. Then we will begin new equations to find velocity and displacement from acceleration.

Period 7 (Period 1 tomorrow!): We will begin new equations to find velocity and displacement from acceleration.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Day 4 September 12, 2013

Hi Classes,

I am out today :-(, so here are the plans:

Period 2: We are working on mechanical equilibrium. Click on the document below (Forces in 1 Dimension Directions) for your assignment. It goes along with this website ( If you have trouble with the computers, there is also a book assignment you can do instead (so try to make the computers work!). If you have trouble printing, just save your document in your google drive, or email it to me. Emailing may be the easiest option.
Forces in 1 Dimension Directions

Also, bring in your quality point forms by tomorrow, please!

Period 3, 4(rotating) and 5: You will be completing an online simulation today to review the idea of velocity and how velocity, position, and acceleration relate. The website is here:

The assignment is here: Moving Man Directions.

If you have trouble with the computers, there is a book assignment too. But this one is way more fun! If you can't print, just save your work in the document in your google drive, or email it to me.

Period 4 and 5, you may work in pairs if the computers are running low!

I should be back tomorrow so we can discuss what you have done today and move ahead with new work. Feel free to email me with any questions/problems. I miss you already!

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Day 3, September 11, 2013

Hello Classes!

Period 2: Read p. 12-22 and complete the 5 Concept Check questions at the end of each section. We will discuss this chapter tomorrow and look over some trigonometry we can use to solve problems.

Period 3: No class today!

Period 4: Speed Worksheet should be complete; no class tomorrow

Period 5: Graph Matching Lab will continue tomorrow (or begin for some of you. . .)

Period 7: We will begin the Graph Matching Lab!

Have a great afternoon! Stay cool!

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Day 2 September 10, 2013

Hello Classes!

Today's rundown and tomorrow's preview:

Period 2 (rotating today): Completed prac B in ch. 2 You should have a good understanding of how velocity and acceleration are calculated. Expect a quiz on Friday! Graph matching lab begins tomorrow.

Period 3: Completed Speed worksheet today. We will do more review of converting units Thursday! Also, beginning a new lab.

Period 4: Completed the conversions worksheet today and corrected yesterday's graphs. We will do some speed equations tomorrow and possibly start a new lab.

Period 5: Completed practice B in ch. 2 and graphing analysis. You should have a good understanding of how both velocity and acceleration are calculated. You may have your Friday quiz on Thursday since we drop out on Friday! We will begin a graph matching lab tomorrow.

Period 2 (Non-rotating): No class today. We will continue the mechanical equilibrium work and some trigonometry review tomorrow!

Friday, September 6, 2013

September 6, 2013

Great week, classes!

Conceptual Physics (period 2): No homework. We will continue working on equilibrium and some trigonometry problems in class on Monday.

Honors Physics (periods 5, 7): no homework. We will work on Chapter 2, Motion in One Dimension, on Monday

Intro to Physics (periods 3 and 4): If you did not complete your 20% Time Survey, please do so over the weekend. Keep thinking about your topic ideas. We will be working on motion and speed on Monday.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Setpember 4, 2013

Day 5

Period 2: Bridges were tested. Period 2 has the distinction of having the bridge that held the most weight, and the bridge that held the least amount of weight. . .

Books and ch. 1 tomorrow!

Period 3: We set up Google accounts today. Bring any questions to me tomorrow.  No homework. You will be working on your air resistance vs. gravity tests tomorrow.

Period 4: We set up Google accounts today. Bring any questions to me tomorrow.  No homework. You will be working on a scientific method worksheet in pairs tomorrow.

Period 5 (Rotating): No homework tonight. Tomorrow we will begin working on sig figs and practice A in ch. 1.

Have a great night!

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

September 3, 2013

Period 2: We will REALLY test our bridges tomorrow! Books will go out and we will work on scientific method, briefly.

Period 3: Complete your vocabulary list from ch. 1.1 (use the glossary or the chapter to find the definitions).
Tomorrow we will be in the computer lab.

Period 5: Read p. 4-14 in your textbook.
Thursday: complete reflections on bridges (with diagram) and begin significant figures.

Period 7: Third lunch tomorrow!
Getting books and beginning work on significant figures.