Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Thursday, September 24, 2015


Dear Seniors,

I think you are great! You are young, idealistic, adventurous, and fun-loving. These are fantastic qualities and things that make me hopeful for the future. However, these attributes can also be what drive me absolutely insane during a class period.

I appreciate your goals to join the NBA, but can we hold off on the ball-bouncing until after school? Or at least after class? And your selfies. . . As much as I know your friends must love getting multiple photos of you making the duckface in your various classes, how many do you need to take during ONE class period? Perhaps we could cut that down to one or two? And the constant teasing of your classmates? Maybe there is a better time for that? Or perhaps we could just let the teasing die down a bit and think about the fact that these classmates are only your classmates for a few more short months. The months here will pass quickly and you will soon be out in a world where you have to make new friends. Don't alienate the friends you have made for the past 12 years. Foster those now.

But, I don't want to be too negative, so let me tell you what you do that makes me smile!

1. When you decide to take slow-mo video on your phones of the physics experiment so you can get a more accurate reading of the time and height of the falling object!

2. When you call/text your friends who are absent to find out if they are sick.

3. When you try to protect each other by claiming you did something that everyone knows you didn't do. . .

4. When you are honest to me when I ask you where you have been during an especially long bathroom trip. And you come back with food.

5. When you bring food back for me, too. :)

I want this year to be fun for all of you, but remember that we are here for the main goal of learning. Learning can and should be fun and I want you to think of those two things together. But, let's try to keep it manageable.

Sincerely and with much love,
Mrs. R.