Monday, November 18, 2013

November 18, 2013

Period 5 and 7:

Use the following websites to help you understand the background, or historical, information that we have on black holes and entanglement. Then, organize your thinking to compare and contrast these historical ideas with the new ideas presented in the article you were given in class.You should submit (via google docs) a formal, short written response.

Black Holes:

Video on Spaghettification:


You may also do your own searches, but check the scientific validity of any sites you choose to use.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Week of November 4, 2013

Hey Classes! Here is the week in advance:

Tuesday Day 5
Period 2: Momentum Lab with Cars and Track

Period 3: Skate Park Simulation - computer lab

Period 4: Work  - Calculations!

Period 5: Relative Motion review of work from yesterday; video clip to explain

Wednesday Day 6

Period 2: Complete lab

Period 3: laptops - Skate Park Simulation

Period 4: laptops - Skate Park Simulation

Period 5: Relative Motion/Frames of Reference

Period  6: Final review of ch. 3 - practice problems

Thursday Day 7:
Period 7 (1): Review of Chapter 3

Period 2: Conservation of Momentum - calculations

Period 3: Energy - calculations

Period 4: Computer lab - 20% Time!

Period 5: Review of Chapter 3 - practice problems

Friday  Day 1 -- HALF DAY!
Period 2, 5: Flash Fysics Friday

Period 3 and 4: Roller Coaster Physics